An attempt was made to change an old version of a record- NAV Error

I currently investigated the following NAV Error reported in a support incident: —————————— An attempt was made to change an old version of a Customer record. The record should first be reread from the database. This is a programming error. Identification fields and values: No.=’01121212′ —————————— This NAV error can appear on any record, I…

How to use Powershell to automate some basic NAV tasks

In this post I want to present some sample Powershell scripts that I created to automate a couple of basic tasks related to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Please change the parameters before you use them. Create new NAV 2016 Environment: restores specified database backup, creates NAV Server Instance, starts NAV server Instance Drop the specified database…

DotNet List in NAV 2016

How to use a DotNet List to display a multi-column Report in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Many times when creating processing reports in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, after the report processes all desired data, you might want to display for the user a log with what happened or with the errors that occurred. You can use for example IF Not ExampleCodeunit.Run THEN store the errors (with the help of function GETLASTERRORTEXT) in a DotNet list, process…

The Document Pattern and the link between Header and Lines in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

In this post I will present some important information about the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Document Pattern. A document in NAV contains a Header with common data and one or more Lines. Each line is linked to the header. Let’s have a look for example at a Purchase Order. As you can see in the bellow image, a…

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Dimensions – Overview

When I first started to work with MS Dynamics NAV, I needed to understand some of the most important concepts related to Dimensions: what’s the difference between global dimensions, shortcut dimensions, default dimensions, what are default dimensions priorities, what are dimension set entries etc ? I couldn’t find an article on the internet that demonstrates all these concepts starting with…